This year RSU International Student Conference 2022 in Health and Social sciences main topic was ”Science is the future”. Within the framework of the conference, 2 panel discussions took place, which reflect the current situation and future goals in the healthcare system from various perspectives.

During our first day’s panel discussion ”First steps to a truly digital healthcare” with Ardis Platkājis, Dr.iur. Karina Palkova and DataMed representative Kaspars Grosu and BKUS representative Emil Syundyukov and moderator Roche Latvia representative Ieva Dzirkale we discussed modern solutions for our healthcare system and potential advantages of its digitalisation.

During our second day’s panel discussion ”Personalized medicine in genetics” with Latvia MGI representative Andis Slaitas, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study center director Jānis Kloviņš and Vice-chairman of Council at AS Repharm Dins Šmits and moderator Inese Čakstiņa-Dzērve we discussed precision medicine, how advances in technologies are shaping healthcare system and where are we going in genetic testing for healthcare.