Please get acquainted with information considering all travelling restrictions to Latvia found on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

Latvia is a member of the European Union/European Economic Area, therefore, participants from countries with the statute of co-members do not require a VISA. Some non-EU countries will require a VISA in order to travel to Latvia.

To check whether you need a VISA, please visit the website of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Payment information

  • You have to be an active or passive participant to get a visa;
  • Preparation of visa invitation letter in Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs costs 10.00 euros for the submitted request for approval of invitation and in addition 4.00 euros for each person, being older than six years, included in the request for invitation (for example if application is made for one person the cost will be 14.00 euros, but if it is made for two people then 18.00 euros);
  • Visa invitation letter requests are processed only when we had received money transfer in our bank account;
  • Please indicate purpose of payment correctly (First name, Last name, for ISC 2025 Invitation Letter Preparation (for example – John Smith for ISC’25 Visa Invitation Letter Preparation);
  • After you pay by bank transfer, you have to send proof of the payment to 
  • Countries that don’t have Embassy of Latvia in its borders will receive documents that will have to be appointed to the embassy representing Latvia;
  • Visa invitation letter requests are processed in 5 working days after the money has been received in full.
Recipient: RSU Studējošo pašpārvaldes fonds
Address: Dzirciema iela 16, Rīga, LV-1007
Registration No.: 40008109367
Bank: SEB banka
Account No. (IBAN): LV11 UNLA 0050 0094 3060 5
  • The letter is sent to you via email. You must ensure that you have provided all the mandatory information before your request is processed;
  • Visa invitation letters will only be issued for the period of the event;
  • Applying for a visa and visa issuance is beyond our control. We are not liable for visa costs, shipping, processing and/or issuance;
  • The cost for sending hard copies has to be covered and arranged by the applicant. Hard copies will only be provided on demand.
  • In case of cancellation or absence, the payment for visa invitation letter will not be refunded.

For more information, please visit the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Due to time needed for visa application process, you should contact us and send all necessary data no later than 21st of February, 2025.